Top Tips For Voice Over Recordings For Audiobooks

Top Tips For Voice Over Recordings For AudiobooksA voice over actor has myriad opportunities to show off their talents.From movies to cartoon shows, television commercials to video games, a solid voice actor can lend his or her voice to any genre or acting field.Because of the advancement of technology, there is another genre for voice acting that is emerging – Audiobooks.This genre has been around for a very long time (books and stories on cassette or CD), just not to the extent that it is now.This is due to the fact that the average person is on the go and with a smartphone in hand, the world is in our hands as well.That’s where an audiobook comes in. It can be downloaded to a person’s phone or smart device for listening pleasure at the convenience of the consumer.With audiobooks, there’s a market and money to be made.And if you are one who wants to lend your voice to those who are in less fortunate circumstances, there are volunteer organizations that can allow that as well. This approach can also be used to practice your craft.

Here are some tips to help you professionally record your voice over for an audiobook as it is not as easy as it “sounds”:

  • Audiobook Voice Overs Are Personalized – You need to personalize and differentiate the book’s characters. Work with your producer on how the personalization will work and the voices are different.
  • Narrating Is A Long Process – There’s a specific goal and it has to be met. Once you’ve mastered the skills and the certain types of literature (fiction, non-fiction, etc.) then it will be easier. Remember consistency is key. You’ll have to spend many hours in the studio, so be prepared.
  • Remember It’s Just You & The Listener – It’s not about you, but the relationship you have with your voice and the listener. The audiobook is the reason you are recording, so you want the voice over quality at its best.
  • Learn The Material – The more you go over the book’s material, the stronger the voice over recording will be. Don’t just assume you can just show up and read all the words on the page. Some words you might not recognize or possible know how to pronounce.

It’s a possibility that you don’t have your own studio to record your voice over. This is where you will want to work at a professional full-service recording studio to help record the audiobooks.Wavemaker Studio has the tools to help you record your audiobook or for you to voice over an audiobook project you are working on. Contact us to learn more on how we can help your recording today!


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